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Our Services

Individual Treatment


This format is the traditional model of meeting weekly or biweekly for a one hour session. During the intake process discussion and evaluation will take place to identify which model and frequency would be the best fit.


Intensive Trauma Treatment often utilizes the Instinctual Trauma Response (ITR)
ITR describes the body’s and brain’s reactions to stressful or overwhelming experiences. ITR is predictable and understandable, and the components are biologically hardwired in us for survival. There are seven components of the Instinctual Trauma Response that are likely to happen in all traumas regardless of type. These provide the scaffold on which trauma stories are constructed.
This survival response in the brain can help us through trauma but can get stuck in everyday life and cause problems. After the trauma, the brain and the body keep fragmented memory stored in the senses of sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. We can get triggered or reminded of past trauma and the emotional brain (limbic system) sends the same alarm to protect the body. This can cause stress, fear, and anxiety for no reason.
ITR gives traumatic memories order, verbal coding, historical context, and an objective, third-person view that protects the person from re-experiencing the trauma and fosters their capacity for empathy for themselves and others. The client feels the event is finally over and in the past.
ITR helps people who suffer from triggers (negative neurological responses to non-threatening situations) resolve their trauma.

Group Counseling

Art Therapy Groups

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Mental Health Support Groups

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Wellness Workshops

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